It’s estimated that as many as one in three Indigenous children were taken from their families between 1910 and the 1970s—affecting most Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. These children were forcibly removed from their families and communities through race-based policies set up by both State and Federal Governments. They were either put in to homes, adopted or fostered out to non-Indigenous families. They suffered a huge amount of grief and trauma; losing their connections to family, identity, land, language and culture. Grief that continues today. These Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have become known as the Stolen Generations.
In 2008 the Australian Government formally apologised to them and their families. The national Apology to the Stolen Generations acknowledged the trauma and grief suffered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as a result of past government policies, particularly the removal of children from their families. The Healing Foundation recognises their ongoing journey and funds many projects addressing the distinct healing needs of Stolen Generations. Our work is led by an expert reference group made up of Stolen Generations survivors from around Australia.