The program is a school and community partnership designed to promote positive healing pathways for Aboriginal children, young people and their families. It will foster a ‘whole of school’ understanding of trauma, the relationship between past government practices and the trauma that impacts Aboriginal children and families in Bourke and Brewarrina today. It will also look at how the school community can support healing for Aboriginal children, their families and carers and the broader communities of Bourke and Brewarrina.
The program will be guided by a school-based Healing team who will inform program design and delivery to ensure it is informed by an understanding of the culture, community and strengths of Bourke and Brewarrina. Professional support will be given to Aboriginal workers to engage with children, their carers and families to improve educational, as well as social and emotional wellbeing outcomes.
Core elements to the program:
- weekly yarning circles with students themed around SELF – Safety, Emotional Management, Loss and Future – facilitated by trained members of a school-based Aboriginal Healing Team
- young people and family camps where the Healing Team support parents and carers to engage with children through cultural and recreational activities designed to strengthen bonds and build capacity and confidence in parents and carers.