Map of Stolen Generations Institutions

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have been taken from their families since the start of colonisation in Australia. They have been stolen, taken for labour and removed from their families through government policies of the day.
This map includes many of the institutions, reserves and missions that Stolen Generations children were known or thought to have been forcibly removed to.
Due to the large number of institutions to which Stolen Generations children were removed, the differences in policy and practice between jurisdictions, and the great variation in the numbers of children removed to different institutions, we have divided the institutions in this map into three categories (see legend below).
If you’d like to learn more about the trauma and healing that’s taken place in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities over the last two and a half centuries, check out our timeline of trauma and healing in Australia below:

Trauma and Healing Timeline



Well documented institutions, reserves and missions where the largest numbers of Stolen Generations survivors are known to have resided.


Institutions, reserves and missions where at least one Stolen Generations survivors is known to have resided.


Awaiting further information.

Well documented institutions and reserves/missions/mission stations that were identified in the BTH Report, the findandconnect entry, key Stolen Generations documents and/or multiple personal testimonies as having accommodated Stolen Generations members.
Reserves/missions/mission stations known to have had dormitories, on the basis that the dormitory system was predicated on the separation of children from their families.
Institutions and reserves/missions/mission stations that came up in the initial keyword searches and that a brief additional search revealed had at least one Stolen Generations member resident there.
Map tiles by Stamen Design, under CC BY 3.0. Data by OpenStreetMap, under CC BY SA.


Due to the large number of Stolen Generations children removed from their families and communities and placed in a variety of institutions over a considerable period of time across each state and territory, the information contained in this map is not exhaustive. Further input from Stolen Generations survivors, Stolen Generations organisations and/or additional research is likely to result in some institutions being added to the map and some moving into a different category.

Institutions that closed before 1900 or opened after 1980 have also been excluded from the map to provide boundaries to the search.

This map is a work in progress and will continue to evolve as further information comes to light. Additional descriptions of the institutions included in this map and links to further information will also continue to be added.

The information contained here has been compiled from a range of reputable sources and we have attempted to verify it. If you identify any inaccuracies or have any information that could help update or expand this map please contact us at

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Message: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.