Statement – The Gathering 2024

Prioritise Stolen Generations survivors before it’s too late; collective call for action from a national gathering.

Over 100 people from Stolen Generations organisations, including Stolen Generations survivors, came together in Garramilla (Darwin) this week to connect and create collective knowledge on the work being done across Australia to support ageing Stolen Generations survivors.

The group of 19 organisations reaffirmed its commitment to the Bringing them home report recommendations, and called on governments, churches and NGOs to respond to the unfinished business of Bringing them home.

“This is the first time that this group of organisations dedicated to supporting Stolen Generations survivors has come together like this,” said Professor Steve Larkin, Chair of The Healing Foundation board.

“All Stolen Generations survivors are now aged over 50, where access to the right care as they age is crucial. Our current aged care system is not fit for purpose and risks retraumatising many and denying them a quality of life they are not only entitled to but deserve.”

“We all committed to galvanising as a sector to bring together knowledge from across the country and hold governments and institutions to account. We have no time to waste, we can’t lose anymore survivors before they see justice,” said CEO of The Healing Foundation Shannan Dodson.

Together the collective called for:

  • Adequate and sustainable funding for Stolen Generations organisations to continue to provide services and support to survivors, their families and communities.
  • The continuation of the important truth telling process Stolen Generations and the Bringing them home report commenced, until all Australians know the truth and reparations have been made.
  • The collective and intergenerational nature of our healing is recognised. Our young people must be at the centre of all we do, we can only be healed when our families and communities are strong in their culture and identity.

Our gratitude to the Larrakia People for welcoming us to their lands for this important occasion and for keeping us safe and supported. We pay respects to their Stolen Children, and all the Stolen Generations who’s voices and advocacy we carry with us.


Media Release – Statement: The Gathering 2024

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