Our work in the ACT

The Healing Foundation offers advice and expertise to a range of organisations and sectors by drawing on our substantial knowledge and work to date. As a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation our advice has been sought by the Australian Government on the Territories Redress Scheme, and the Action Plan on family, domestic and sexual violence.

Our CEO Co-Chairs the Expert Advisory Board of the Scheme, which in its first year of operations, provides advice and expertise to the Australian Government on administering the Scheme in a survivor-focused, healing-informed way.  Stolen Generations survivors removed from their homes in the Northern Territory (prior to 1979) or the ACT or Jervis Bay (prior to 1989) can apply directly to the scheme or through local Link-Ups and some Stolen Generations organisations, who can support you with your application.

The Healing Foundation has a role in supporting as many applicants as possible to access this form of redress, known as the ‘Territories Redress Scheme’, if survivors deem it critical and necessary to their healing journey. We are here to support ACT Stolen Generations survivors with applying as soon as you are ready to. You can find information on applying to the Scheme at https://territoriesredress.gov.au.

In relation to the Action Plan, our CEO is also an appointed member of the Australian Government’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council on family, domestic and sexual violence which has produced the draft plan. Along with the Council Chair, Sandra Creamer, CEO Cornforth will speak to ACT community members and the sector about the drafted plan in the coming month. They look forward to your feedback and support in pursuing urgent action.

We see great opportunity and promise in the ACT Government’s announced $20 million Healing and Reconciliation Fund and are encouraged by conversations about the community’s voices being heard to inform what’s going to matter most for healing and reconciliation in the ACT. Acknowledging and building on the significant ways in which community leaders in the ACT have called for healing is important. We recognise that the Fund acknowledges the need to invest in this journey.

True change begins with establishing strong, trusting partnerships. Taking the next steps in a trauma-aware and healing-informed way, centring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and doing no further harm, depends on such partnerships. Unfortunately announcements have been circulated without our knowledge or involvement, and containing information that does not reflect our usual approach to partnering or working alongside community. We have sought to resolve the matter and remain at the ready to support all stakeholders with healing knowledge, expertise, support and advice. Please visit our website or get in touch with us at info@healingfoundation.org.au if you have any queries.

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Message: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images, voices and names of people who have passed away.