On 11 February we launched a new report on the collective healing needs of Stolen Generations Healing for Our Stolen Generations: Sharing Our Stories.
The report analysed 31 Healing Foundation projects involving more than 3,676 Stolen Generations members and contains evidence about what works in healing Stolen Generations.
“Because Stolen Generations members were removed from their families, identities, lands, languages and cultures they have unique healing needs,” Healing Foundation Chair Professor Steve Larkin said. “Many Stolen Generations members find that coming together with other survivors, sharing stories and accessing group or collective healing opportunities is what helps them to heal.”
We were honoured to be joined at the launch by former residents of the Cootamundra Girls’ Home and the Kinchela Boys Home.
Aunty Lorraine Peeters spoke about her own experiences as a Stolen Generations member and Steve Larkin spoke about the report’s findings and its implications for policy makers and service providers.
Entertainment was provided by Archie Roach AM.
Read the Healing for Our Stolen Generations: Sharing Our Stories summary here.